Coldplay song meaning
Coldplay song meaning

Could it be that his God-given conscience prompted him to put that line in? Or do men like Hitler get off home free as Woody Allen suggested in Crimes and Misdemeanors?Ī Christian Interacts with Viva La Vida, Or Death and All His Friends Coldplay’s latest hit was one of my top ten albums of 2008. Humanists don’t really have an intellectual basis for saying that Hitler was wrong, but their God-given conscience tells them that they are wrong on this issue.Įvidently Chris Martin who said he resented dogmatic religious views a few years ago, has now written a grammy winning song that pictures an evil king being punished in an afterlife.

coldplay song meaning

Humanist Abigail Ann Martin responded, “Neither am I an advocate of Hitler however, by whose criteria is he evil?” (The Humanist, September/October 1997, p. It wasn’t long before she received criticism.

coldplay song meaning

Here Leitner is reasoning from her God-givne conscience and not from humanist philosophy. I have no intention of saying, ‘I think Hitler was wrong.’ Hitler WAS wrong.” (Gloria Leitner, “A Perspective on Belief,” The Humanist, May/June 1997, pp.38-39). It’s no wonder, then, that one of Allen’s fellow humanists would comment, “Certain moral truths - such as do not kill, do not steal, and do not lie - do have a special status of being not just ‘mere opinion’ but bulwarks of humanitarian action. The apostle Paul said it best in Romans 1:19, “ For that which is known about God is evident to them and made plain in their inner consciousness, because God has shown it to them” (Amplified Version). God “ has planted eternity in the human heart…” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). This is a direct result of our God-given conscience. The basic question Woody Allen is presenting to his own agnostic humanistic worldview is: If you really believe there is no God there to punish you in an afterlife, then why not murder if you can get away with it? The secular humanist worldview that modern man has adopted does not work in the real world that God has created. He observed that one day, because of this conclusion, he woke up and the cloud of guilt was gone. Judah’s final conclusion was that might did make right. Sol responds to his son, “Then in one way or another he will be punished.”Īunt May comments, “I say if he can do it and get away with it and he chooses not to be bothered by the ethics, then he is home free.”

coldplay song meaning

Sol replies, “May, how did they get away with it?” Six million Jews burned to death by the Nazi’s, and they got away with it because might makes right,” says Aunt May. Later in the film, Judah reflects on the conversation his father had with Judah’s unbelieving Aunt May during a Jewish Sedar dinner many years ago: But the doctor’s crime is never discovered.

Coldplay song meaning